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Home » The Podcast » My Neighbor’s Taxation Is Theft

My Neighbor’s Taxation Is Theft

What an episode. I start off with talking about the guy who left the company and training the new guy. I really enjoy training people. Teaching people the knowledge that I have accrued over time is truly rewarding. I also pick up things from the new people. We all have different life experiences. I move on to my business list of what I need to get done. I was neglecting this for a long time. Getting stuck on my logo when I could be doing several other things to make progress. I’m pretty sure I woke up the kids when I started talking about my neighbors taxing me out of my house. I was pretty fired up. If a thief takes your things at least you knew there intentions. Not govt. They pretend to do things on your behalf while fleecing you. Still fired up. Thanks for listening!